In a groundbreaking move, Lian Beng Construction (1988), a distinguished subsidiary of the mainboard-listed construction giant Lian Beng Group, has clinched a prestigious contract valued at an impressive S$95.8 million. This contract, bestowed by Tripartite Developers, marks the commencement of an extraordinary venture – the construction of a state-of-the-art condominium at Flora Drive. This article unveils the intricacies of this awe-inspiring project that is poised to redefine luxury living in Singapore.
The Architectural Marvel
The proposed development is set to be a testament to architectural brilliance, featuring 9 eight-storey residential blocks comprising a total of 428 units. Each unit promises an unparalleled living experience, blending modern aesthetics with functional design. The meticulous planning and innovative architecture aim to create a harmonious living space that resonates with the lifestyle aspirations of its future residents of Kassia.
Beyond Brick and Mortar
This 33-month endeavor extends beyond the construction of residential blocks. Lian Beng Construction (1988) envisions a comprehensive living experience, with the construction encompassing a range of amenities. A clubhouse, a basement car park, a sprawling swimming pool, and a tennis court are just a glimpse of the opulence that awaits residents. This holistic approach to construction aligns with the evolving preferences of discerning homeowners, emphasizing not just on structures but on the lifestyle they facilitate.
Commencement and Milestones
Anticipation is building as construction is slated to commence in July 2018. The timeline spans 33 months, during which the Flora Drive condominium will transform from a blueprint on paper to a tangible symbol of architectural finesse. The strategic commencement date aligns with meticulous planning, ensuring timely completion and delivery of this extraordinary project.
Financial Implications and Growth
Lian Beng Group is not just building structures; it is fostering financial growth. The recently secured contract is anticipated to have a positive impact on the net tangible assets per share and earnings per share for the group. As of June 18, Lian Beng’s order book stood impressively at approximately S$1.02 billion, underscoring its robust position in the construction landscape.
In conclusion, the Flora Drive condominium project by Lian Beng Construction (1988) stands as a beacon of innovation and opulence in the realm of construction. From its architectural magnificence to the promise of an enriched lifestyle, every facet is meticulously planned and executed. As we eagerly await the unveiling of this architectural marvel, Lian Beng Group reaffirms its commitment to excellence and underscores its leadership in shaping the skyline of Singapore.